Au Pair USA Pre-Matches

What is a Pre-Match?

A pre-match is when a host family and au pair find each other outside of Au Pair USA’s matching platform. Au Pair USA accommodates pre-matches as long as the au pair and host family meet program eligibility requirements. Learn more about program qualifications for au pairs and host families and the countries we serve. We are not able to arrange pre-matches for au pairs who are related to the host family.

Au Pair Pre-Screening Call

As a first step, the interested au pair will have a call with our admissions team so we can learn more about their experience and English level to determine if they are eligible to apply. We need the au pair’s name, country and email address to schedule this call.

Host Family Pre-Match Deposit

Once Au Pair USA confirms the au pair is eligible to apply to the program, a $500 non-refundable deposit will be requested from the host family. The $500 deposit will be applied to the Host Family balance due when the match is confirmed. Once the $500 pre-match deposit is received, the au pair and host family can start the application process.

Match Timing and Arrival Dates

We suggest all parties plan ahead for pre-matches. We cannot confirm a specific arrival date until the match is officially confirmed by Au Pair USA. It typically takes 6-10 weeks (or longer) for an au pair to complete their application. Once the family and au pair have both applied and are accepted into the program, an arrival date can be determined upon confirming the match. Please refer to our match deadline and arrival dates.

Program Fees

Whether you have a pre-match or match with one of our pre-screened candidates, you can expect the same high level of service from our Au Pair USA team. We do not offer a discount for pre-matches.

Call us at 1-800-287-2477 for more information about hosting a pre-match au pair.

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