Enter Our 2024 Super Au Pair Contest
The 2024 contest has closed as of December 9th, 2024. Thank you for your interest!
Super Au Pair Winning Prize

The winning Super Au Pair will receive a $1,000 travel voucher.
Super Au Pair Winning Prize

Their host family will get a $1,000 credit towards future program fees!
How to Win?
Au pairs and host families can create videos and submit them for entry. Videos should be between 3-5 minutes and highlight the amazing Super Au Pair’s heroic acts, outstanding achievements, and noble pursuit of international cultural exchange. Share as much as you can about how this experience had an amazing impact on the you and everyone involved. Then, complete the contest entry form and upload your video.
The contest was open from Monday, October 14, 2024, until December 9, 2024. Submissions are no longer being accepted. Please see the contest rules, terms, and conditions.
Check out our winning videos
Contest Rules
Overview: The contest allows Host Families and/or Au Pairs to submit a video. It aims to promote experiences in the Au Pair USA by InterExchange Program. Participation in the contest is optional and not a requirement of the Au Pair USA Program.
Eligibility: Open to Host families and Au Pairs who participated in 2024. Not eligible: InterExchange employees, their families, and those living in their households. Entries can be disqualified for rule violations or fraudulent behavior.
Contest Period: Opens Monday October 7, 2024, to November 29, 2024, at 11:59 PM (before midnight) EST.
Entry Process: Host Families and/or Au Pairs create and submit 3-5 minute video. Videos must be original, in English (or translated to English), and adhere to content guidelines. Ineligible entries: content that is obscene, political, promoting gambling/alcohol/drugs, etc.
Winner Selection: Will be judged by InterExchange staff based on submitted videos. The winner will be notified via email, phone, as provided.
- The winning Super Au Pair will receive a $1,000 travel voucher.
- The winning Host Family receives a $1,000 credit towards program fees.
Prizes are non-transferable and must be claimed by January 31, 2025.
Release: By entering the contest, you grant InterExchange permission to use your submitted video, photos, names, and other personal information for promotional purposes. This usage may include, but is not limited to, online and print materials, social media, and other marketing channels. You agree that any such use will not require further approval or compensation. Please ensure that anyone else featured in your video consents to this usage as well.
Rights and Permissions: Participants grant InterExchange rights to use entry materials for promotional purposes. Personal information will be handled as per InterExchange’s Privacy Policy.
Disclaimers and Limitations: Contest subject to cancellation or changes. InterExchange is not liable for any damages or losses incurred through contest participation.
Legal and Arbitration: Disputes governed by New York law are to be resolved through arbitration in New York.
Tax Responsibility: Winners are responsible for all taxes related to the prize. This summary provides an overview and is not exhaustive. Participants should read the full official rules for detailed terms and conditions below.
Read the full terms and conditions here.